Functions to work with matrix and transformations
Bakes the current local scale, rotate, and translate values to the offset parent matrix, resetting the local values to neutral. |
Convert a transformation Matrix |
Get a tranformation list from a positions list and normal. |
Get a tranformation list from a positions list and normal. |
Get closest polygon from transform |
Get the distance between 2 objects. |
Retrieve a transformation filtered. |
Interpolate 2 matrix. |
Get an offset position from dagNode |
Get the position values from matrix |
Get the matrix rotation from a given axis. |
Get the symmetrical tranformation |
Return the transformation matrix of the dagNode in worldSpace. |
Create a transformation Matrix from a given position. |
Return a transformation mstrix using vector positions. |
Return the position of the dagNode in worldSpace. |
Summary |
Summary |
get the raycasted translation of the mouse position |
Match 2 dagNode transformations in world space. |
Get the dot product of 2 quaternion. |
Get an interpolate quaternion based in slerp function. |
Reset the scale, rotation and translation for a given dagNode. |
Rotates the selected objects 180 degrees around the specified axis. |
Set the position for a given matrix |
Set the rotation for a given matrix |
Set the scale for a given matrix |
Sets the offset parent matrix of a given node. |
Sets the offset parent matrix of a given node using scale, rotate, and translate values. |