
Functions to work with vectors


calculatePoleVector(p1, p2, p3[, ...])

This function takes 3 PyMEL PyNodes as inputs.

getDistance(v0, v1)

Get the distance between 2 vectors

getDistance2(obj0, obj1)

Get the distance between 2 objects.

getPlaneBiNormal(v0, v1, v2)

Get the binormal vector of a plane (Defined by 3 positions).

getPlaneNormal(v0, v1, v2)

Get the normal vector of a plane (Defined by 3 positions).

getTransposedVector(v, position0, position1)

Get the transposed vector.

linearlyInterpolate(v0, v1[, blend])

Get the vector interpolated between 2 vectors.

rotateAlongAxis(v, axis, a)

Rotate a vector around a given axis defined by other vector.



The Blade object for shifter guides